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Parents we are taking every precaution as advised by the CDC and NCDHHS.


Please advise:

All tours are suspended during business hours and must be scheduled in advance by phone.


Drop off and Pick up procedure are as follows:

  • Parents, please be on alert for any symptoms of COVID-19 and to keep the child(ren) home if showing any signs of illness.

  Adults outside of staff, immediate family, or approved pick ups, are NOT allowed inside of the facility. 



 Staff will conduct a health check upon initial greeting.

  • The staff will check the temperature of the child. If for any reason, the child has a temperature of 100.4 or higher, he/she will not be permitted to enter into the building and will be encouraged to return back with a responsible adult.

  • Help us to encourage your child to apply a generous amount of hand sanitizer prior to entry to the building. 

  • The child will wash his/her hand when they enter the building prior to entering the classroom. 

  • Upon departure, parents are asked to ring the doorbell until a staff member has escorted your children to you/your vehicle. 



If possible, the same parent or designated person should drop off and pick up the child every day.

If possible, avoid designating those considered at high risk such as elderly grandparents who are over 65 years of age.

COVID-19 Protocol

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